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Class MBX.JsController

Defined in: js_controller.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Create and extend controllers
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
This is mostly used internally and is fired on MBX everytime a controller is created
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
MBX.JsController.create(name, opts)
Controllers allow some decently powerful hooks.
Destroy a controller and unsubscribe its event listeners
call extend() to add methods and/or attributes to ALL controllers
Class Detail
Create and extend controllers
Field Detail
<static> MBX.JsController.Event
This is mostly used internally and is fired on MBX everytime a controller is created
Method Detail
<static> MBX.JsController.create(name, opts)
Controllers allow some decently powerful hooks. You can specify a model, and an onInstanceChange, onInstanceDestroy, onInstanceCreate. If your controller listens to a model, but you are not dependent on real-time updates, you can add the option "looselyCoupled: true" and all updates will be done with setTimeout, which will be a performance enhancement.
          MBX.DesktopUploadController = MBX.JsController.create("DesktopUpload", {
              looselyCoupled: false, // false is the default
              ANewMethod: function (something) {
                  return something;
          MBX.DesktopUpload.ANewMethod("boo") == "boo";
          MBX.DesktopUploadController = MBX.JsController.create("DesktopUpload", {
              model: MBX.DesktopUpload,
              onInstanceCreate: function (instance) {
          MBX.DesktopUpload.create({ greeting: 'hi' });  // will alert('hi');
          MBX.DesktopUploadController = MBX.JsController.create("DesktopUpload", {
              model: MBX.DesktopUpload,
              onInstanceChange: function (instance) {
          var instance = MBX.DesktopUpload.create();
          instance.set('greeting', 'hi');  // will alert('hi')
{String} name
the name of the controller
{Object} opts
used to extend the controller methods at instantiation

<static> MBX.JsController.destroyController(name)
Destroy a controller and unsubscribe its event listeners
{String} name
the name of the controller

<static> MBX.JsController.extend(methsAndAttrs)
call extend() to add methods and/or attributes to ALL controllers
{Object} methsAndAttrs

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.1.0 on Tue Dec 08 2009 14:00:29 GMT-0500 (EST)